Extra information and details
Hey there everyone~
I was answering a comment in the comment section and I thought some of the facts I was sharing might be nice to share with everyone so I'm making a devlog post.
First of all I guess it's a good place to start by saying Love Lock is not abandoned. It's been taking a very long time and I'm going to share below why that is, but regardless of my silence over the months you can be assured that Love Lock is indeed being made and it's not going to be an abandoned project. For that matter if you're also waiting on Keep or Kill or Petrify they are also in the making and not going to be abandoned. I schedule my month so that I work on Love Lock for 3 weeks (The 1st to 21st-ish) and aim to complete 10,000 words a month or enough images that it takes the same amount of time as writing 10,000 words for me, it's a personal goal I've placed on myself to give me a place to aim to. Then the last week of the month I spend working on one of the side games (Petrify, Keep or kill and previously Unknown). I hope that reassures anyone who's been worried that Love Lock won't see completion.
oh I should probably also mention that I estimate Love Lock is going to be completed with around 300,000 words of text (so like two novels. 2 books of Lord of the rings is a good reference) From Google: "300,000 words is 600 pages single-spaced or 1200 pages double-spaced. Typical documents that are 300,000 words or more include full-length novels. It will take approximately 1,000 minutes to read 300,000 words."
Right now I'm at 285, 000. Each character is about 22,000 - 30,000 words long. To give an idea on what that is like: It's about 1.4 - 3.3 hours of reading per character. From Google: "25,000 words is 50 pages single-spaced or 100 pages double-spaced. Typical documents that are 25,000 words include include novels, novellas, and other published books. It will take approximately 83 minutes to read 25,000 words." So each character is it's own smaller novel. There are 10 Kidnap scenarios so it's basically 10 small novels. Also I know 10 x 25,000 is not 300,000 The other 50,000 words of text is the stalking aspect of the game that leads up to the kidnap.
Artwork wise Love Lock currently has:
-There is currently 119 backgrounds 21 of them are animated in some way or another with either them being a looping pan or have things animated inside them.
-There are 129 CG's, 19 of them are animated in some way or another with either the image bouncing or things animated inside them, 6 character of 10 have a change of outfit pre and post kidnap.
- There are 33 sprite animations among all characters.
- 16 Special effects/Special effects animations.
- 6 different types of minigames either in asset or mechanic.
Oh Love Lock also has they/them options now in case it wasn't known, as well as Breasts/Pec options. I found a new way to make a gender menu as well that I quite like and will be bringing into Love Lock. I've also been dabbling with the idea of gender swapping characters. This is not for certain though as that would mean 129 CG's to redo and 33 sprite animations along with all the static sprites. But it's an idea I've been considering. Currently right now I'm testing out how well that will work in Petrify by giving Umbra a male option, Umbriel.
Last but not least choices! There are currently 612 prompts where the game stops and asks you to pick a choice in game. Given the fact that each prompt has at least 2 options I can safely say that Love Lock has 1224+ choices to pick in game. The "+" is probably a few hundred honestly, there's usually 3 choices but sometimes only 2.
Oh! Also to those of you out there who don't know, I am a solo dev. You can just call me Bunny. B.B and BunBun is also a nick name I've been given on the discord server that you can use. I would share a few facts about myself if anyone interested but I don't know if people like that or not though the "Meet the dev"? type of thing lol. Maybe another time.
Anyway, I think that's all for now. Have a great day everyone!
Get Love Lock
Love Lock
Stalked, loved, abducted, tortured. Will you escape? Or submit?
Status | Released |
Author | BondageBunny |
Genre | Visual Novel, Survival |
Tags | bdsm, Dating Sim, Erotic, fetish, Gore, Horror, Mystery, yandere |
More posts
- Android Release / Bug Report Area6 days ago
- Report Bug here45 days ago
- Love Lock Pre-Release for Valentines day48 days ago
- Discord inviteMar 22, 2023
- RambleMar 13, 2023
- Bunny TalksFeb 02, 2023
- Not an UpdateOct 03, 2022
- Hello~Jul 07, 2022
- I did a thing!Apr 17, 2022
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Thank you so much for update I hope things going well for you in life <3!
I was wondering would our character sprite be shown and if so would there be an option of customization(only a question) otherwise thank you very much for the update now I know that I should start saving money <3
Hi there, No the character sprite isn't shown, well there's one CG I'm struggling with but I'm trying very hard to make sure there isn't any pov limps or anything seen in any scenes cause then I would want to go through the option of customization.
I had a cool idea in the past where I was thinking maybe I could get the game to ask the player to upload a picture of themselves and that would become their side sprite that shows when pov is talking. but I thought the real life images might contrast too highly against the 2D art. I also thought that might freak some people out to be asked for something so personal as well. So I decided against it.
Either way my goal is to make sure that the illusion that pov is the player remains unbroken.
Very excited for the game and also glad to hear this update!
I have one question though: Would it be possible to make it so that words for player genitalia (since it's an erotic game) can be decided by the player too, or would that be too difficult? Because as a trans man I often have the problem of the much-hated word "clit" (ew) coming up in reference to the player's genitalia if they don't have a penis and testicles, when I (as many or probably most other trans men) refer to it as a "dick/cock" since it doesn't cause dysphoria and is more accurate after a certain point in transition and I'd still like to be able to make the game more immersive for myself as a man without testicles without feeling intensely uncomfortable.
If that's not possible I understand but I'd like to get a heads-up, so I know if I have to roleplay as a cis man. Thanks in advance and good luck on further development. :)
I'm not sure I understand you 100% but from what I understand, I think you're asking if gender and pronouns can be separated? In which case that is what Love Lock is right now.
You have 4 options when you start.
1. You choose pronouns: He/She/They
2. Then between 1 of the two breasts or Pecs
3. Then again between 1 of the two, Vagina or Penis
4. And then of course your name.
So you can be a [insert your name] with breasts, a penis and she pronouns. Or a [insert your name or any name] with pecs a vagina and they pronouns. Etc etc the list goes on.
I do believe I've used the word clit in the writing as well as pussy, lips, slit and bean? maybe I don't remember if bean is in there but it's entirely possible lol.
I'm not sure it would work to give customizable words like he touched my [insert word for clit]. I did put up a poll on the discord server like ... a year back now? I think? Asking what words people like most, pussy, vagina, twat. Or cock, dick, penis.
Only cause I tend to default to more medical terms xD and I thought that might be weird for people.
Anyway I hope that helps. If not, would you be willing to explain what you mean to me again? There's also the discord server where you can join and chat with both myself and other server members who have beta tested Love Lock and can give you some info on it all.
Have a great day,
I meant the specific words used for genitalia only. Like the words in your example, I personally would feel extremely uncomfortable having to read the words "slit", "bean" and especially "clit" is a big no-no for me.
But if it's not possible to change that, then I guess I'll have to make my PC a cis man. Kind of a bummer but it's not something I'm not used to.
I think what Adhes is asking for is a way to specify in-game that he is a man with pecs and a vagina... but for references to the PC's vagina/clit to be customizable/trans-inclusive to reduce discomfort.
I am a trans man and I agree that this is a common request. Many of us feel uncomfortable with terms that women and other people designated female at birth are fine with.
I hope you'll consider the request. If not, I'll also have to play as a cis man, like Adhes. Nothing against you, but I wish more games that explore gender customization (the only way I can play as a character with a body that resembles my own) understood that.
This is the first time anyone's explained anything like this to me. It's possible other game developers are in the same boat as me, not knowing. I know of trans dysphoria thanks to a few helpful people on the discord server explaining it to me. This topic never came up though.
I can't guarantee anything but if I were to change around the words, could I get a bit of a ... umm... I want to say guide? but I don't think that's the right word... But like how previously people have helped me understand the past tense/present tense of they/them. Could I get a few replacement word options?
Vagina/pussy = ???
Pussy lips/slit = ???
Clit/bean = ???
as well as:
Penis/dick/cock = ???
Tip/head = ???
Balls = ???
Again I can't guarantee anything as it's a lot to go over and it might not work out sentence structure wise, but I can always try to include such things moving forward. The reason for this is cause in the code it's kind of like a madlib situation where words are just replaced instead of the entire sentence.
Does this dysphoria also include when a character is talking about their own body parts? Or just the pov situation?
Like I said, this is absolutely not anything I think is a mistake on your part - so it’s okay if it’s difficult/impossible to implement or hard to understand. I appreciate that you’re willing to try.
I can only speak for myself in terms of what I find acceptable, but here are some word suggestions (others may find these off-putting):
Vagina/pussy: hole, front hole, cunt (some may not like this one), boypussy/boycunt (another that some may dislike), man cave (kind of hokey)
Pussy lips/slit: lips, folds, vulva (might be too anatomical-sounding?)
Clit/bean: dick/cock, t-dick/cock, dicklet (can be used to humiliate also, if that’s relevant), nub (kind of vague but gets the job done)
For terms referring to a trans woman’s genitals, I can’t say what a trans woman might prefer since I’m not one, but here are some terms I’ve read online:
Penis/dick/cock: dick/cock (some trans women don’t care about terms that much), shaft, strap, girldick/girlcock, clit, member, hen (like a cock but for a girl lol, uncommon but catching on a bit), venus (penis but with a V, also uncommon)
Tip/head: I’m not sure if there is a specific term that trans women might prefer for this part, tbh
Balls: Again, another one I’m not sure of, but I’ve read people online sometimes use “orbs”; more info/opinions from trans women are probably needed
In general, I’ve also read that a lot of people use the words “bits” or “junk” to refer to essentially any aspect of their genitals, but that seems a bit non-specific for an erotic role-playing game.
Regarding your question: “Does this dysphoria also include when a character is talking about their own body parts? Or just the pov situation?” I would say yes - it’s pretty difficult for me to refer to my own body using conventional terms, even through text.
I totally get that this may not be possible/practical for you to do! That’s totally okay, I’m fine with a game not being tailored to me - they are a lot of work to make and you’re a solo dev. Again, I really appreciate your efforts to understand and see if this is workable. Thank you for having an open mind.
Here are some word suggestions (for referring to a trans man's genitalia) from me as well (in case they're still needed):
"Vagina/Pussy"= (front) hole, things with man or boy in front of them like mancunt or boypussy, just cunt is also fine (but just "pussy" is pretty iffy for me personally, better with man- or boy- in front of it)
"Pussy lips/slit"= honestly have nothing for that, since I never use that part of my body. Also a tip: would be cool for people with two holes to have the opportunity to only use one, since I'm one of those people that can't use the front (for reasons of dysphoria and physical discomfort) and only do anal.
"Clit/bean"= dick, cock (there are a few more but those are the ones I use and I see other trans men use most of the time)
Are you on the discord by chance? I felt like taking on the challenge and created ... well I'm not sure what to call it haha, but it's a OH! I can attach pictures! I wanted to show you afterwards but I wasn't sure. but picture comments change that!

My menu art hasn't been updated yet to incorporate the word dysphoria option, that's a task for later but it's in. It changes the name of these words regardless of who owns the body part. (I think) I didn't quite understand if the dysphoria is only in reference to the body in possession or all bodies. (Not sure if I'm making sense there)
I added a Male and Female button at the bottom (which I need to change to genitalia names cause gender =/= genital's (I derped on that one, I threw it in there fast)) but I added the feature to change all words based on body part, cause again I didn't know if it was just pov's body or all bodies? So, if you're sex is the opposite of a characters and you want to edit what words they use to refer to themselves then you can.
The only down side which I haven't manage to figure out how to fix is, it doesn't change it in the game right away. Like if the word is in the line you paused on to go change it, it won't update that word, but it will update all to come.